- Natascious Natasha, Sineina M Tosali, Philemon Mundi Yube and 34 others like this.
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- Wenceslaus Magun Joni we have that in mind. It comes under our advocacy products. In order to do that we need funds. Unless there are musicians out there who are willing to offer their service for this cause for free.
- Wenceslaus Magun There are few proud and selfish individuals who will not stop at anything in the name of making money, be famous and rich at the expense of the majority who care so much about a safe, healthy and friendly environment. They would even court money in bed. I wonder if they eat money too?? Compare them to the majority of our rural folks who live off their marine environment. Anything goes wrong in the sea will affect our rural folks more than it would to these few elites, rich and powerful who live off their money.
- Bryan Nonisa People of NIP.can yu please vote new freash heads in the next election and get rid of the Chans??Sir J the most controversial leader and PM in the history of this country and really bad at decision makings which resulted in his fall from grace during the 97 political impasse. What good is he??can you people see that he is utilising your tribesmanship loyalty for his own agenda in staying in power.Wake The Hell Up and start making some real decisions and stop dreaming.
- Joey Pete Richard Jokisie Ep, ta for the info. Well, everyone's got an opinion, i got mine. Nautilus is coming up & i wanna see what happens, why not? Land had been mined for thousands of years & still we survive. Just a tiny frac of ocean and we fear the unknown. The government is in for the money & political gain, scientists are in for curiosity, thrills & discovery-human fear things that they dont understand. A controversial project but 'greed & fear' can be useful
- Ep Coogan Why NOT you ask. Beyond any other reason should be the small, FACT that this Canadian based company could not do exactly the same in its country of origin. WHY NOT? because they nations leaders signed an agreement to ban undersea mining.
- Ep Coogan This tiny frac of ocean, is the most important part of all the oceans. Over 90% of all sea life relies on this tiny Frac of ocean. Ican tell you have no idea what is being discussed here. This is the Coral Triangle.
- Ep Coogan Politicans are willing to do it for $$$yes, I agree, but these scientists etc are not doing it for thrills are you have suggested. The scientists are employees, they also do it for money.....Shareholders of the company do not care about you, PNG or the effects......The reasons they now develop this style of mining are..............If a mine is placed on Land, you have major issues, like Land rights, Labour rights, environmental standards, it is costly and long winded.....going undersea, solves many of these issues. Stop being ignorant, PNG is a caretaker to this area of our world. Nautlus has not the interests of the future generations of PNG, politicans have no interest in future generations as well. You Joey Pete Richard Jokisie are ignorant.
- Joey Pete Richard Jokisie Ep, no pressure man relax, nobody's asking for your lecture, nobody's ignorant, im just sharing my thoughts
Of course u live in a democratic country, u wanna carry a banner & walk down waigani, maybe write a song about it-please by all means; young graduates looking for a career to take challenges and advance, send in a CV to Nautilus; ordinary citizens fearing the worst, i dont blame you; government wanting to advance politically and economically, i'll say go for the kill- isnt democracy wonderful? - Steve Day Ep Coogan and as an addendum, do you know how much polition enters the waters of PNG from inappropriate logging and clearfelling for Oil Palm. And you say NOTHING ??
- Ep Coogan Yes Steve I do. I have studied Marine resource management and I have plenty to say. Somewhere on You tube there is a video of a speech I gave in Madang.
The issue at hand is seabed mining. - Ep Coogan The sea is worth more in Tourism. Tourism is an untapped source, employs more people, & profits stay within the country. Its other benefit is it can be passed down generations.
- Joni Kiliana I met an Aussie geologist who did some work for Nautilius in our waters a couple of years ago....he reckoned our govt had made one of the worst decisions on the planet by allowing seabed mining.There was another Natilus employee ,an expat,who joined our NIP Facebook' group in 2012 to simply warn us about the side effects of this mining...SICK.
- Ganam Gaegaming Naeman If you are up against Solwara1, please provide alternatives that will help sealed the roads, build bridges and fix health facilities for people of West Coast Central NIPs.
They have been neglected for so long. Their Governor promised them to have their road sealed by 2011 and its now 2014. They have given their support and you dont have to be a rocket scientist to know "Why?". They need improved services and apparently the Gov cannot give them that. - Ep Coogan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLq9lFikHSU
- Joey Pete Richard Jokisie NIP is a tiny area, u get a billion in there and u could transform this rural little island into a world class sustainable living space, people would eventually adapt & survive from fishing lines into pay checks & bank accounts
Funny how people try to stand down Palm Island & World Map Island & today both Islands got a combined 100 000 plus likes on facebook than Ocean Conservation pages trailing with 6000 likes in total
People are unpredictable, selfish & afraid of the things that we dont understand but if you make up for the damage you pose, and risks u take, everyone's got a happy face at the end of the day & doubts forgotten
75% of the earth is water, 15% is land. We been manipulating & exploiting that 15% for ages & yet we survive. Just a tiny dot in the 75% and we fear human extinction? USA may land on the moon but im down to see PNG rise from under the ocean - Wenceslaus Magun Flash Back: Four new mines in 10 years. A story that was published on Monday, November 18, 2013, The National, page 53. It says ..."Four large mining operations are soon to come on stream in the next 10 years...Mt Kare (17 km) west of Pogera gold mine, Yandera in Madang, Frieda project at the border of East and West Sepik, and Walfi Golpu project in Morobe." So why are we so desperate to go into seafloor experimental mining? Are we a desperate nation? Are we existing solely on money? Common PNG, enough of making unwise and stupid decisions. 2014 should be the year of implementation as the PM said and we need to ensure that hasty and selfish decisions in this country must not be entertained. Everything you heard from Nautilus Minerals Ltd and supported by Mineral Resources Authority and lined agencies is based on assumptions because there is no seabed mining in the world. Turn your other ears and listen to Prof. Richard Steiner, Dr. Helen Rosenbaum, Prof Chalapan Kaluwin, and many other top marine scientists. If they have not opposed seabed mining in PNG then we would not worry. But they have cautioned us not to rush the process but to ensure that all environmental impact studies, Nautilus's Environmental Management Plan (WHICH NO ONE HAS SEEN), and other independent studies and assessments must be carried out first to ensure that all is safe, healthy and friendly before we venture into the abyss to mine the seafloors. Little is known about that environment and there is much more to learn about it. PNGeans we are not so desperate to take this step. Not at all!! At Christmas the three wise men from the East came to visit Jesus. It is about time we start listening to our wise men and women in this age and time. Haste brings waste!! There's NO tangible benefit in Misima. Look at Bougainville! We have not stopped dumping wastes into Ok Tedi. So don't be carried away by false promises from mining companies. There's enough propaganda by mining companies in EMTV. Companies in PNG enjoy more tax incentives or exemptions compared to companies operating in other parts of the world due to our leaders making stupid, unwise and selfish decisions. Now is the time to put an end to this approach of doing things. You and I must make some bold decisions if we truly want to see some positive change in our beautiful country.
- Ganam Gaegaming Naeman The roads in Lihir is sealed and they built a relatively good hospital that will be left behind for the Island community to use.
We may all not be marine scientists but we do have some fair understanding of the "possible" effects of seabed minining.
Please provide real alternatives for the villagers that will be directly affected. Tell them how you plan to have their roads sealed, bridges built and health facilities upgraded?? Nautilus has promised them that so if you dont give them a better option, you can write a texbook on negative effects of seabed mining but it wont mean anything to them and the mining will go ahead - Wenceslaus Magun I believe we can build PNG on our human resources and on our land, marine, water, and tourism industry. Lets take stock of our past experiences. Lets learn from our mistakes. Lets build our economy on the backs of our renewable resources. Lets change our way of thinking and doing things! Stop believing that mining is the only way out of our economic ills!
- Wenceslaus Magun Lazy people look for easy way out of their problems. They see mining as the sole economic potential for this nation and they invest all in it! Yet wise economic gurus have advised us not to put all our eggs in one basket!
- Joni Kiliana GGN we all know NIP needs improved services and some of us thought the oil palm projects plus Lihir Gold,Simberi etc were gonna solve NIPs problems..what happened? Back in the 1980s when exploration was being carried out on Lihir and Tabar by Kennecott Niugini Mining plus the European company CDC buying Land along the Buluminski Highway for oil palm there were talks that KAVIENG was gonna surpass Rabaul as soon as everything kicked off,roads were gonna be sealed,improved health care,London bridges were gonna be built from KAVIENG CITY to the Neighboring Tigak Islands..our passbooks(bank accounts) would run out of pages as funds would flow in like river Jordan etc..Supporters of these projects,including politicians, echoed these so called good news right around NIP,through our local NBC radio New Ireland etc etc..Our high school got a contract with CDC and on weekends we,students,choped hectares of bushes with our bush knives from Madina area to Munawai/Lugagun so CDC could grow their oil palm..their executives drove from their head quarter in Lakurumau spreading the same gospel to us that NIP would surpass every province in PNG,wealth would rain down on us like mana from heaven..fast forward to 2014 and NIP has gone nowhere despite Lihir Gold,Tarbar diamond/Gold and oilpalm..How many more mines do we need in NIP before we can see improved services?.now we are hearing the same mauswara about sealed roads,wealth etc that the seabed mining would bring.OLOBOI..oli ting yumi short memory na no nap tingim mauswara blo bipo?.We've heard all those mauswara talks before by supporters of these projects ..it's not new..nogat turu..that's why me againstim..totally against seabed..if NIP has gone nowhere despite Lihir and Simberi what makes you think seabed mining will get us somewhere?..we can have a million mining activities in our backyard but if we have the same corrupt,crooked politicians running the show from Waigani then we will never prosper as we have witnessed since our independence,..we'll end up destroying our environment for peanuts..NIP is a paradise on Earth,it should concentrate on TOURISM
- Sineina M Tosali Joey Pete Richard Jokisie what prove do you have when it will be the 1st ever EXPERIMENTAL seabed mining..your campaigns are not completed, and we will stand to.demand a CONFIRMEF neutral scientific report..
- Ep Coogan PNG waters are considered the last frontier. Every week more species are discovered by scientists. This is a link to one other area which is not impossible to pursue. http://www.noaa.gov/features/economic_0309/medicines.html
Ocean exploration often leads to new ideas, new theories and discoveries, includ...See More - Wenceslaus Magun Thanks Joni! There are many who have NOT faced the reality on the ground. I had worked in Milne Bay and had visited the Misima mines and know what had happened there. I have been to most mining sites and affected communities in my job. I have been to Aiambak, Lake Murray, Boset, Binge, Krumbukari, Mindere, and the list goes on. I grew up in Utu, in transgogol area of Madang where JANT did clear felling of the tropical virgin forests there. I lived in New Ireland, East New Britain. Not many people who are for experimental seabed mining have had the opportunity I have had. I have traveled abroad too and have assessed the state of affairs other nations live in comparison to PNG and have asked so many questions why PNG with all its natural, and human resources wealth cannot have the best infrastructures, best social services, etc. In fact I have been one of the few lucky Papua New Guineans who have had the opportunity to attend SOPAC DSM meetings in Tonga and Vanuatu. I know a fair bit of who the players are and what kind of technology they intend to use in this business.
- Joey Pete Richard Jokisie Whoever those PNG environmental advisors are, they're only telling the government their fears & problems. A classic real scientist is not afraid to take on the unknown, Einstein, Franklin, Newton and Neil Armstrong took one single step that changed mankind forever. I'm a biochemistry student, if im advising the government, i'll take that challenge head on and come up with measures to reduce impact instead of backing down and see my country drag on international donation & grants & yet people crying for development. It's an economical & scientific opportunity to shine, why not?
- Wenceslaus Magun Thanks Joni! There are many who have NOT faced the reality on the ground. I had worked in Milne Bay and had visited the Misima mines and know what had happened there. I have been to most mining sites and affected communities in my job. I have been to Aiambak, Lake Murray, Boset, Binge, Wawoi Guavi, Krumbukari, Mindere, and the list goes on. I grew up in Utu, in transgogol area of Madang where JANT did clear felling of the tropical virgin forests there. I lived in New Ireland, East New Britain. Not many people who are for experimental seabed mining have had the opportunity I have had. I have traveled abroad too and have assessed the state of affairs other nations live in comparison to PNG and have asked so many questions why PNG with all its natural, and human resources wealth cannot have the best infrastructures, best social services, etc. In fact I have been one of the few lucky Papua New Guineans who have had the opportunity to attend SOPAC DSM meetings in Tonga and Vanuatu. I know a fair bit of who the players are and what kind of technology they intend to use in this business.
- Sineina M Tosali JOEY are you so sure that the technology supposingly to be used won't bother the marine life at 1600m? will they be any impacts on the sound and lighting causes because I understand that fish a very sensitive to sound and lights..you think that is okay, disturbance...
- Ep Coogan development without thought of future generations is NOT development, it is a temporary cure with bad side effects. This is the most bio diverse area in the world. This is not an exaggeration, this is fact. The slightest unbalance will see the most basic of life on earth die. PLANKTON. It is critical for all life in the ocean. Kill Plankton Kill all life in oceans
The Coral Triangle has been an evolutionary hot spot due to the combination of light, high water temperature, and strong, nutrient-rich currents from the collision of the Pacific and Indian oceans. The seasonal influx of nutrients from these deep ocean upwellings along with equatorial sunshine and warm seas results in an abundance of phytoplankton and zooplankton. This provides nourishment for corals, fish (larvae) as well as migrating giants like manta rays and whale sharks. The presence of coral reefs and mangrove forests buffers the effects of storms and tsunamis on coastal communities of the Coral Triangle. The abundant resources of the Triangle directly support the livelihoods of 126 million people as well as benefiting millions of others worldwide. The total annual economical value of natural habitats in the Coral Triangle including coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass beds is an estimated US $2.3 billion. Not to mention the ever-growing business of ecotourism, as well as the multi-billion dollar tuna industry that is directly supported by the spawning and nursery grounds of the Coral Triangle, making it even more obvious why their protection is paramount. Many commercially important species of fish inhabit these waters, making them an ideal place for local people to live and work.
"An unbelievable amount of biodiversity is condensed into less than 1% of the world's ocean surface area. - Wenceslaus Magun A true scientist without selfish interest will advise the government to adhere to the precautionary principle.
- Ep Coogan seems to me the only argument that Joey and I will ever agree on is the fact that a big multi nation company is using a third world under developed country for its experiment. Explain that to your grandchildren Joey., Good luck on that one son.
- Wenceslaus Magun The government and Nautilus owe the people of PNG, past, present and future plenty of reasons why they are making a hasty decision without ensuring that independent assessments are conducted to ensure the technology and the experimental mining is environmentally friendly, safe, and healthy. We have yet to see and assess Nautilus Environmental Management Plan. If you rush the process PNGeans have the right to stop it!
- Sineina M Tosali Undersea Mining Acts, Undersea Environmental Acts and Laws, Ocean Laws and Policy...Png do we such guidance????/
- Png Facts PNG communites want sea bed mining: http://mine.onepng.com/.../png-local-communities-back...
- Joey Pete Richard Jokisie I study biology, i know all about conservation but i also know a golden scientific & economical opportunity when i see one
Nautilus is working with our UPNG marine biology and environmental science and we going underwater
Well, for all i know, the government owes its share of infrastructure contribution to Nautilus so Nautilus is on the move. All the best with the anti-sea mining campaign - Sineina M Tosali you were only talking monetary and so called economical terms...as a marine biology I bet you would agree with the points Ep Coogan posted on the Coral Triangle..I bẹt you, you would agree on that, would you?
- Joey Pete Richard Jokisie Yes of course, like i said i know all about conservation, i agree with Ep & Magun & i respect their views, they correct in every sense. But if there's one thing that science thought me, it's about; taking risks, challenge the fear of the unknown and find solution to grab opportunities instead of putting forward problems & backing down, that's the pinnacle of science, ask Newton & Armstrong when u get the chance
- Sineina M Tosali Please tell me what do you think about seabed mining in PNG and its ever 1st experimental one?
- Ep Coogan My studies taught me nothing is random. If you study it long enough, how long is should be studied is the million $ question
- Joni Kiliana JPRJ Newtons risk was nothing compared to the one Nautilus will take..billions of precious marine lives at risk if disasster strikes,Neil Armstrong and USA faked the moon landing(end of story ) plus you mentioned Einstein in your previous comment above,well,Einstein equals disaster,precious innocent lives lost in Hiroshima and Nagasaki,THE HYDROGEN ATOMIC BOMB -Einstein tasol..his risk taking =disaster.
- Joey Pete Richard Jokisie Sine read all my post if u miss out on my opinion . Joni, Newton didn't bomb Hiroshima, man's greed & selfish ambitions did And it dont matter what conspiracy said, USA gets down in history
- Joni Kiliana JPRJ I didn't say Newton bomb Hiroshima,read my last comment properly..i said Einstein,I was responding to your other comment above where you mentioned him..btw if it wasn't for Einstein and his crazy experiment there wouldn't be any Atomic bomb,simple as that.USA will down in history for lying about the moon landing...
- Sineina M Tosali you can go on with such history and history also tells us to take precautionary measures as well after it became knowledgeable..You are correct by saying to take in new challenges but sometimes we need to seriously consider the pros and cons of such unpredictable developments on such new findings of experiments..
- Angelo Daniel @ jprj,what are you talking about?this is not a medical research to cure cances or some exploration to the moon?expiriment what?tell me one third world country on earth that had a mine n after the companies that mined took left the livly hood of the the people and environmemt imroved or what proper alternatives did the offer for the destruction other than royalty,o better yet name a place in png?we have enough mines n enough destruction!bagarapim giraon inap noken karim go lo solwara!cos if we conteminate the sea,would really muj apprecite jprj,newton n einstain to come up with an antidote to clean the whole bismark sea..etc.its not an unknown frontier!we already know what mineing does!
- Ori Png Science has nothing to do with all these. The main motivation is money. This project is hinging in simulated models that have yet to be tested in real environments. We are putting the entire marine life in the Bismarck sea at unknown risks because of some rich peoples desire to make money off our ignorance.
- Joey Pete Richard Jokisie Well, let me conclude it this way: First of all, Mr. Magun is doing a great job, well done.
Second, the government is stretching the economy & creating jobs. Third, people wishing to go against the sea-bed mining, please do so, it's your democratic right. Finally, for us, we're in for various reasons: new discovery, challenge, economy, politics, history.
Nevertheless, Nautilus is underway, all the best with the anti-seabed mining campaign. I rest my case - Ori Png Direct employment in this project belongs to robots, we may be lucky if any spin-off employment and business opportunities exists, my guess is with the heavy investment in the high tech facility and automation, we will be getting a very small slice of the cake. Discovery? Destroy the marine life in its natural habitat and you will have nothing to discover. The challenge is not ours, we will be spectating. Tell us how many PNG specialist were involved in the feasibility studies and in the design and testing of the equipment? We loose again. There are more reasons why this project should be abandoned and mostly because we will be the biggest losers.
- Ep Coogan http://www.actnowpng.org/.../please-help-stop... Please join this group and sign the petition.
Experimental seabed mining could soon begin in the Pacific Ocean despite the risks of an environmental catastrophe and the fact it is not a sustainable development option for indigenous peoples. - Ep Coogan You can also subscribe to this website which will keep you up todate. http://www.deepseaminingoutofourdepth.org/campaign/
- Ep Coogan Even the Great Barrier Reef is under threat from a number of fronts. The world has gone mad for mining. Time to start developing Jellyfish recipes for your grandchildren folks, the days of a plentiful sea are numbered few, watch it as it turns red.
- Sineina M Tosali amazing how the current explorations licenses were awarded. ref..MRA and Nautilus exploration mappings of August 2008
- Ganam Gaegaming Naeman Very strong arguments against seabed mining. However non of you provided "alternatives" for funding of infrastructures in the area. Unless you provide that to the West Coast people of Central NIPs, you can go on and waste your time but Government gave ...See More
- Sineina M Tosali I think we have experienced a fair enough mining exploitation that causes a lot of destructions that warrants an unrest.,and seabed mining is a new thing, you expect the developer would outline the impacts...the locals entrusted leaders who were suppo...See More
- Ori Png Tourism is a sustainable multi-billion dollars alternative, NIP and Niugini Islands for that matter has the potential to become the play ground for the worlds rich and famous... Opportunity is there...why can't this be taken up as an alternative? That is reason enough for going against the sea bed mining...
- Sineina M Tosali and they should be saying NO to seabed mining to protect their people and the environment...
Thursday, January 2, 2014
For and against experimental seabed mining on Facebook: Sharp Talk
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